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Business in Crisis

Global economic crisis that the United States some time ago, not only felt by the country adikuasa but also berimbas in other countries, not the exception of Indonesia. Many companies are experiencing losses and forced to roll mats. Various efforts have been made public so that government does not drag the circle in the global economic crisis is prolonged, but only termination of employment (PHK) terelakan not. While many predict that the economic crisis will fester, we should not be pessimistic and terhanyut inside. Facing a period like this, should we start search of opportunity so that we can still continue to run with a reasonable life!

As well as women's work "finance minister" in the household, what you can do in facing the current global crisis? Whether by reducing the cost of day-to-day needs and budget cut? Or may be seeking business opportunities with the other? Speaking of business opportunity, we waited for the story at this time that you start running a business entrepreneur small-scale (not closed the possibility for your business is the greater). Your story could be inspiring for other Conectiquers. Tell how you motivated to get started, how do you get started, what kendalanya, how to hold spirited run in your business, tips-tricks have you in a special, and others.