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ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income (Paperback)

"Both authors are successful and profitable probloggers and here they reveal at last some of their secrets." (The Bookseller, Friday 14th March 2008) "You'll learn about the essential steps involved...if you think blogging could be the business opportunity for you - buy it!" BusinessOpportunitiesAndldeas.co.uk Monday 19 May 2008 "You'll learn about the essential steps involved...if you think blogging could be the business opportunity for you - buy it!"BusinessOpportunitiesAndldeas Monday 19 May 2008

Problogger.net is where bloggers worldwide go for advice and information on enhancing their blogs presence. Whether youre just starting out or have been blogging for years, these two professional bloggers show you how to turn your passion for blogging into extra revenue. This practical guide to creating and marketing a blog with the potential for generating a six-figure income shows you how to choose subject matter that works for you, handle technical issues, and evaluate your blogs success so that you can use your blog to generate income indirectly.

This is the 12th book I've read on blogging. The books I've read have run the gamut from marketing brochures clothed in the covers of a book to real sources of valued information. This book is clearly in the latter category and I would place it in the top one or two positions as my favorite so far.

I appreciated the author's very quick overvew of "what is a blog". Blogs are very easy to understand and the authors who have gone on for 20+ pages just describing a blog have obviously just been shooting for page count. This author gets into the real meat of the topic very quickly. The brief overvier of professional blogging as opposed to just blogging in chapter 1 was also helpful.

From the first chapter on, it's all about getting your game on. You have to realize that blogging your way to a six-figure income does not happen overnight just like building an email list (in a valid way) that has hundreds of thousands of opt-in emails doesn't happen overnight. This book holds your hand along this prolonged journey.

ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income

1 komentar:

  Izzy Daniels

8 Januari 2009 pukul 12.41

huh...this looks rather interesting...I might have to check this one out